DETROIT FREE PRESS OP-ED: “Which COVID-19 vaccine is best? The one in your arm”

“The bottom line is that all three of these vaccines are critically important. They all will keep their recipients from getting severely ill, being hospitalized or dying from COVID. The least effective vaccine is the one that is never given.”
PRESS RELEASE: Health Heroes Launch #ThisIsOurShot Campaign to Promote COVID Vaccines, Fight Misinformation

Advocates across the country look to inspire their own communities to get vaccinated March 10, 2021 CONTACT: Emmie Johnson | 916-473-2800 | SACRAMENTO, CA – Tens of thousands of health care providers have united with other frontline workers and more than two dozen state and national organizations to launch #ThisIsOurShot, a campaign to build […]
WASHINGTON POST: “‘If not us, then who?’ These doctors and nurses battle covid all day. Then they go online and fight misinformation.”

February 24, 2021 The Washington Post recently profiled several #ThisIsOurShot leaders, highlighting the important work to be done by health heroes to get out accurate, science-based information about COVID vaccines. “‘Almost every waking second, minute and hour outside of work right now is being spent on digital engagement to build vaccine trust in our communities,’ […]
POLITICO: “Doctors bring the fight to anti-vaxxers online”

February 15, 2021 A recent piece in Politico highlights the campaign to fight misinformation online. “‘It’s turning into a military campaign, in terms of how we have to treat the opposition,’ said Sunny Jha, a Houston anesthesiologist who organized the #ThisIsOurShot campaign, through which thousands of health care workers have shared their own experiences getting […]
GRAND ROUNDS PODCAST: “#ThisIsOurShot with Dr. Alex McDonald”

February 12, 2021 #ThisIsOurShot co-founder Dr. Alex McDonald joins the Grand Rounds podcast and “convinces me to remove my tweet about my own fear, in the interest of the public good and to stand with my colleagues. COVID VACCINE TRUST lives…” Listen Now
NY DAILY NEWS: “Know the facts on the COVID vaccine”

January 15, 2021 In the New York Daily News, Mikhail “Dr. Mike” Varshavski writes: “Much of the fight against misinformation must take place at a grassroots level — among providers like myself. Take, for example, the thousands of doctors taking to social media to share their “vaccine selfies” using the #ThisIsOurShot. Leading by example is […]
DALLAS MORNING NEWS: “Building patient trust in doctors is critical to defeat COVID-19”

November 11, 2020 #ThisIsOurShot co-founder Dr. Hussain Lalani had an opinion piece published in the Dallas Morning News recently, writing: “It may seem daunting to talk of building trust given the polarized political landscape and ongoing misinformation about the coronavirus. However, trust is a foundational pillar of health care and it’s worth the investment for […]